picnic basket
Everyone loves a picnic. Right?  Well, sure, except for the ants!  And the other problem is how do we carry our food and keep it safe? An insulated picnic basket is the answer.  There are baskets for couples, 2 friends, and family of 4. Take your picnic in a backpack picnic basket and hike along the trail, through the woods to grandmother's house. Or use your roller picnic basket and stride up the mountains, open your insulated wine cooler, sit beside the babbling brook, and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Children always love to have a picnic. Under the "tent" in the living room or hiding in the woods in the back yard. Use a wicker basket to carry their PBJ sandwiches and apples.  Dream under the stars as you share an hour of fun time with your kids.

Picnic Baskets make a great gift, although a different one, for a wedding present. A beautiful romantic basket for the newly married couple to take with them as they explore the beauties of starting their life together. Pack some strawberries and chocolate, some crackers and cheese and stroll hand in hand along Paris streets.

Remember, that even in an RV or camper, you might want to stop at the tourist area and eat your meal in the great outdoors. Keep your food safe in a picnic basket that has a built in cooler to keep food chilled.

Don't hesitate. Find that perfect picnic basket today. Made of wicker, aluminum framed, wood frames with service for 2, 4 or more.  Plates, cups, cutlery, napkins and sometimes napkins are inside.

Enjoy a family picnic today or just a cozy 2-person time.

Source: www.wickerchina.com

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